Banned Books Week 2020

September 19, 2020 03:38 PM Posted by juliannadouglas

Banned Books Week Header

Every year in September, I join the American Library Association (ALA) in celebrating Banned Books Week. Reading is a very fundamental right that can enrich our lives in many ways. That’s why I think that everyone should have the opportunity to read the types of books that they enjoy, which is why I stand against the censorship of reading materials. I sometimes understand the reasons behind why people are offended by certain books. In all honesty, there are a number books that I find offensive, too, but to attempt to censor or outright ban them is a very slippery slope. Once you start challenging books that have viewpoints or content with which you disagree, you’re opening a door for people on the opposite side of the spectrum to challenge books you may love. That’s why I simply choose to leave books which I know or suspect will offend me on the shelf.


Categories: Events, Giveaways

Tags: Banned Books Week, Bette Greene

Banned Books Week 2018

September 14, 2018 04:43 PM Posted by juliannadouglas

Banned Books Week Banner

Welcome to my annual Banned Books Week celebration! If you haven’t been around for my previous ones and you’re wondering what this is all about, every year the American Library Association hosts this celebration to highlight books that have been challenged or banned and to help raise awareness to combat censorship. As a reader, I enjoy reading all books, including ones that have been banned, and as an author, I’m very much opposed to censoring of book content. That’s why I decided to hold my own little Banned Books Week event on my blog each year in which I’ll share some of my thoughts on the topic and give away one of my favorite banned/challenged books.


Categories: Events, Giveaways

Tags: Banned Books Week, Bette Greene